Divadlo Ponec
Divadlo Ponec na Praze 3 je pohybové divadlo s přesahy do jiných žánrů. Je to divadelní studio vyhrazené současnému tanečnímu umění.
Naše divadlo nemá vlastní soubor, dramaturgie se skládá z řady větších či menších divadelních projektů z ČR i zahraničí. Snažíme se být otevřeným prostorem pro tanec ve všech jeho podobách.
Justin May
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Shannon A. Cantu
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The Ponec Theater, located in Prague 3, is renowned as a hub for contemporary dance and experimental performances. It serves as a dedicated studio for contemporary dance art, showcasing innovative movements and often blending various genres.
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These are just a few highlights of the new Journal 3 framework; the possibilities are endless. Explore the numerous options and unleash your creativity with ease.
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Divadlo Ponec je divadelní scéna nacházející se v Praze, v České republice. Je známé svým zaměřením na současné taneční a divadelní představení, a to jak českých, tak mezinárodních umělců.
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If you provide more information about the company, such as its name or the industry it operates in, I can offer some general advice on how to gather and assess clients' opinions about it.
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The castle is a prominent landmark in Bari and has played a significant role in the city's history.
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With its multitude of options and possibilities, Journal 3 offers endless opportunities for innovation and customization.
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Considere la posibilidad de instalar trampas de graves en las esquinas de la habitación para controlar las resonancias de baja frecuencia y mejorar la precisión de la reproducción de graves.
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Address resonances caused by standing waves or room modes by positioning the audio equipment at least 1 meter away from any wall to minimize peak pressure areas.
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Opting for small fish native to the fishing location, with a size ranging from 5-7 centimeters, ensures that the pike's interest is piqued without being hindered by smaller prey.
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The event provided a platform not only for presentations and panels featuring key figures in the space industry but also included a large trade show showcasing the latest technologies
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The experience at the Space Symposium served as a catalyst, fueling Vigilant's dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation in space technology for years to come.
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By taking proactive steps to prepare for potential disasters, both technical and weather-related, your business can stay up and running during the holiday season and beyond.
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The appointment of Prof. Erniati as the first Professor at UNIFA is a significant milestone, marking a momentous achievement in the institution's academic journey.
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Furthermore, the inclusion of six modules, including an advanced Posts Module, expands the functionality of the blog, allowing for greater flexibility in displaying articles within the store.
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Today, the Swabian Castle is open for visitors throughout the year and serves as a venue for exhibitions, cultural events, multimedia rooms, and a plaster cast gallery.
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Allu Arjun, the popular Indian actor known for his work predominantly in Telugu cinema, has amassed a significant net worth through his successful acting career, brand endorsements, and other ventures. While specific details about his earnings may vary over time and with different projects, estimates suggest that Allu Arjun's net worth is in the range of several million dollars.
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The Ponec Theater in Prague 3 is indeed a remarkable venue known for its focus on contemporary dance art.
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Aliza Oscar
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