Divadlo Metro

Divadlo Metro

DIVADLO,KTERÉ VÁS BAVÍ! Činohra, originální černé divadlo, dětská představení. Nachází se v samotném centru Prahy. Přijďte se pobavit i vy!

5 4 3 2 1 Divadlo Metro 1/5 - Hodnocení: 853 www.divadlometro.cz

Kontaktní údaje

Národní třída 25
Praha 1, 110 00
+420 221 085 201



Divadlo Metro bylo založeno v roce 2002 v samotném centru Prahy, na Národní třídě. Ve stejném roce se sem z prostor známé pražské Reduty přemístil černodivadelní soubor Františka Kratochvíla, spoluzakladatele originálního černého divadla v Čechách. Současná představení, LIFE IS LIFE a DEJA VU, se stala velmi úspěšnými nejen u nás, ale i v zahraničí pro jejich nápaditý příběh, vtip a jazykovou bezbariérovost. Představení jsou uváděna i v dětské verzi jako Ulice plná kouzel a Na výletě v iSvětě. Oba tituly jsou pro děti velkým zážitkem, a to nejen díky samotnému stylu divadla, ale také díky krátké ukázce techniky, která po každém představení následuje.

Při přesunu do nových prostor rozšířilo Divadlo Metro svou působnost i na činoherní scénu. Na jevišti se zde vystřídalo již mnoho skvělých herců od Stelly Zázvorkové přes Lubu Skořepovou, Valérii Zawadskou, Zdeňka Žáka, až po dnešní herecký soubor složený ze skvělých pražských a brněnských herců, jako je například Zuzana Slavíková, Vladislav Beneš, Jiří Štěpnička, Michaela Dolinová, Libuše Švormová a mnoho dalších. V současné době můžete vidět na scéně tohoto divadla úspěšná představení Play Strindberg a Sextet a hostující titul Příběh Coco Chanel.

Divadlo Metro nabízí kulturní zážitek pro všechny věkové kategorie. Doufáme, že si vyberete i vy!

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    One way is advertising buying properties in Dubai for Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. Apartments in Dubai are a popular investment choice.Crypto Real Estate is the leading global real estate marketplace with over 2,200 properties available for sale with Bitcoin & crypto worldwide. Crypto Real Estate Dubai | Emaar Properties Dubai | Sobha Realty Dubai | DAMAC Properties Dubai | Dubai Properties |
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    Explore the vast acres of the Desert in UAE. The Morning Safari in Dubai is conducted in the morning as you are picked up from your location in a 4×4 Land Morning Desert Safari is one of the best safari tours who want to experience the sunrise and escape from the hustle of Dubai. A morning desert safari in A full itinerary of activities, including a thrilling dune drive, peaceful camel ride, wildlife spotting opportunities and breakfast on the dunes. morning desert safari
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    DLF Lux 5, part of the exclusive "Get DLF Home" collection, is a premium residential offering by DLF, crafted for those seeking an elevated lifestyle in Gurgaon. This luxurious project offers meticulously designed homes with spacious layouts, modern interiors, and high-end finishes.
    DLF Lux 5, located within the prestigious DLF City Floors, represents the epitome of luxury living in Gurgaon. These independent floors offer residents the comfort and privacy of standalone homes, combined with the modern amenities of a premium residential community.
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    Central Park Flower Valley - Luxury Living in Sohna Road

    Central Park Flower Valley is a prestigious residential community located along the picturesque Flower Valley Sohna Road, offering a perfect blend of luxury, serenity, and modern living. This exquisite development by Central Park stands out for its lush greenery, meticulously designed landscapes, and a range of premium amenities that cater to a luxurious lifestyle. Flower Valley Central Park is not just a residential space but a thriving ecosystem that fosters a sense of community while providing the utmost privacy and comfort to its residents.

    The Flower Valley Sohna Road location is one of the prime advantages of Central Park Flower Valley, making it easily accessible from key areas of Gurgaon and Delhi NCR. The well-planned infrastructure, coupled with the natural beauty of the surroundings, makes this location ideal for families looking for a peaceful yet well-connected living space. Residents of Flower Valley Central Park enjoy proximity to reputed schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and entertainment hubs ,ensuring a convenient lifestyle.

    Central Park Flower Valley Plots offer a unique opportunity for homeowners to build their dream homes in a luxurious setting. These plots come in various sizes, catering to different preferences and budgets, allowing residents to create personalized spaces that reflect their style and requirements. The plots are set amidst beautifully landscaped gardens, ensuring that every home enjoys a scenic view and a refreshing ambiance. Investing in Central Park Flower Valley Plots is not just about owning land; it’s about being part of a vibrant and upscale community.

    Flower Valley Central Park is renowned for its world-class amenities that cater to the diverse needs of its residents. From state-of-the-art fitness centers and swimming pools to dedicated areas for yoga and meditation, every aspect of wellness is taken care of. The development also features various recreational facilities, including sports courts, jogging tracks, and children’s play areas, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. Additionally, the community’s security measures, including 24/7 surveillance, ensure a safe and secure environment for all residents.

    In conclusion, Central Park Flower Valley is more than just a residential community; it’s a lifestyle destination that offers luxury, convenience, and a connection with nature. Whether you’re looking for a ready-to-move-in home or planning to build your dream house on one of the Central Park Flower Valley Plots, this development provides an unparalleled living experience. With its prime location on Flower Valley Sohna Road, top-notch amenities, and beautifully designed spaces, Flower Valley Central Park is truly a place where life blossoms.

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    MetaMask Chrome extension that serves as a cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. With over a million users, MetaMask allows you to manage your Ethereum-based assets, including tokens and NFTs, directly from your browser. MetaMask Chrome also adds an extra layer of protection by requiring users to verify transactions. With its user-friendly interface and compatibility with multiple Ethereum networks, MetaMask is a must-have for anyone using the decentralized web and exploring the ever-expanding world of blockchain applications and assets.
  261. jhonleoo123

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    Coinbase Login opens the gateway to your crypto wealth, allowing you to effortlessly access your digital assets, explore diverse opportunities, and securely transact in the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency. Metamask Extension is the key to seamlessly managing your cryptocurrency directly within your browser. Build secure connections, execute transactions confidently, and effortlessly explore the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency.
  262. Henry

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    Phantom Wallet is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency wallet designed for the Solana blockchain. This user-friendly extension provides seamless access to decentralized applications (DApps) and facilitates secure storage and management of SOL tokens. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Phantom Wallet is a trusted choice for Solana enthusiasts worldwide. Phantom Wallet Extension | Phantom Extension
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    Metamask Login refers to the authentication process associated with MetaMask, a popular cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension designed to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask enables users to manage their Ethereum-based assets, interact with decentralized applications (DApps), and execute blockchain transactions directly from their web browsers. Also visit us :Metamask Login with password
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    In our further content, we will cover some topics such as the types of issues that users can face on Crypto.com and the common reasons behind the login issues. Along with that, we will also cover some helpful tips that will help you to eliminate Crypto.com login issues on your Android device, iOS device, or PC.
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    LOBSTR Wallet is a user-friendly cryptocurrency wallet tailored for the Stellar blockchain. Designed for both novice and seasoned users, it facilitates seamless storage, sending, and receiving of Stellar's native cryptocurrency, XLM. Lobstr Login process is your gateway to secure and convenient account management. Visit the official Lobstr website and sign in to gain control over your digital assets. Safeguarded by robust security measures.
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    There are rarely any issues raised on the Trezor suite not working or on the hardware wallet device. But this doesn’t mean that there aren’t any issues with it. Follow the blog till the end to get all the details on the said topic.

    However, if you do not know, then let us tell you that Trezor hardware wallet does not work without the use of its software application. Therefore, you must execute the Trezor Suite download procedure. In the blog below, we will tell you more about this software application of Trezor.

  277. Robert albert

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    Choose "Connect Wallet" and select your wallet provider (MetaMask). Follow the instructions to confirm the connection, and the platform will be able to use your wallet for all transactions and interactions in the ecosystem. Yoroi Wallet is an ADA (Cardano) cryptocurrency wallet that provides a secure and easy-to-use interface for managing your Cardano assets. It was created by the company EMURGO and is available as a browser extension as well as a mobile app. With Yoroi, you can easily access your Cardano funds without worrying about privacy or security. MetaMask Extension (MetaMask) is one of the most popular cryptocurrency wallets and browser extensions. It allows you to use MetaMask to interact with DApps (decentralized applications) on the ethereum blockchain. MetaMask Chrome extension makes it easy to transact on the blockchain and makes DeFi services more accessible.
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    Coinbase device confirmation is a security feature that helps ensure that only authorized users can access their accounts. Coinbase Device confirmation troubleshooting If you find yourself facing coinbase delayed transactions, there are steps you can take to resolve the issue. Coinbase delayed transactions Your payment method might need extra checks or verifications, if you haven’t completed them, coinbase won’t accept it. coinbase add payment method not working We hope that our guide on reset coinbase password helped you with the problem you were stuck in. Change Coinbase Password
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    walletconnect is an open-source protocol that revolutionizes the way users interact with decentralized applications (dApps) by bridging the gap between wallets and dApps. yoroi wallet is a secure and user-friendly cryptocurrency wallet designed specifically for Cardano (ADA). Developed by Emurgo, Yoroi provides users with a simple and intuitive interface to manage their ADA holdings. metamask extension is a popular browser extension that serves as a cryptocurrency wallet and a gateway to the decentralized web. It allows users to securely store, manage, and interact with Ethereum-based assets and decentralized applications (dApps) directly from their web browser. metamask chrome extension is a widely used cryptocurrency wallet that integrates seamlessly with the Google Chrome web browser. It enables users to securely manage their Ethereum-based assets, interact with decentralized applications (dApps), and easily send and receive ETH and ERC-20 tokens.
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    walletconnect is an open-source protocol that allows decentralized applications (dApps) to connect and interact securely with users' mobile wallets or browser extensions. yoroi wallet boasts a user-friendly interface, ensuring that managing your Cardano assets is a seamless and enjoyable experience, From checking balances to executing transactions. metamask extension is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension that allows users to manage their Ethereum-based digital assets and interact with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. metamask chrome extension is like your must-have tool to begin your journey. It helps you handle your digital money (ETH), explore cool online apps (DApps), and smoothly make transactions.
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    Functioning as a distinct chain, it orchestrates validators and facilitates the transition to Ethereum 2.0. This innovative layer is integral to creating a more efficient and scalable foundation for the Ethereum network's future developments. Beacon Chain |
  282. shira seea

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    The MetaMask Wallet contains a one-of-a-kind Ethereum address for sending and receiving Ether and ERC-20 tokens.MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension that allows users to manage their Ethereum-based assets and interact with decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. For wallet recovery, the 12-word seed phrase is critical. MetaMask login requires your password. Make sure it's strong and distinct. Keep your 12-word seed phrase safe; it's your ticket to wallet recovery.MetaMask login or any other form of authentication, as I don't have the capability to interact with external applications or handle sensitive information.
  283. Sanki Turner

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    MetaMask is a powerful browser extension revolutionizing the way users interact with blockchain technology. With a seamless integration into popular browsers like Chrome, it transforms your web experience by serving as a secure wallet for Ethereum-based assets. MetaMask simplifies access to decentralized applications (DApps) and facilitates smooth transactions within the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). MetaMask Chrome Extension Download MetaMask Extension
  284. Sanki Turner

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    MetaMask is a powerful browser extension revolutionizing the way users interact with blockchain technology. With a seamless integration into popular browsers like Chrome, it transforms your web experience by serving as a secure wallet for Ethereum-based assets. MetaMask simplifies access to decentralized applications (DApps) and facilitates smooth transactions within the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). MetaMask Chrome Extension Download MetaMask Extension
  285. wilson Fisk

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    Trezor suite not working is a good cryptocurrency hardware wallet available in the market and at an affordable price. It is a hardware wallet so it is extremely popular and most used among BTC holders and the people who are interested in cryptocurrencies for a long amount of time in the future.

    The Trezor suite download stands as a symbol of trust and security in the world of cryptocurrency storage. Speaking about Trezor hardware, we can say that it is not just a hardware wallet but more than that. To put it short, it would not be wrong to say that it is a platform that safeguards your digital assets against the regular threats that keep lurking around us in the digital landscape.

  286. Trezor Suite

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    Demand for hardware wallets is at a pique nowadays because of daily news of phishing attacks on software wallets.Traders prefer the security of their funds over the cost of the wallet, they’ve even tried to switch from the Trezor Suite platform to another wallet even after knowing the high transaction cost of the other platform. But the result is the same in the end, no proper fund protection. Then there was a launch of completely different and unique crypto wallets which instantly gained the attention of the users. Trezor Suite ensure 100% protection of the funds by explaining its vast features.
  287. Shayla Jenner

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    Trezor wallets are popular cryptocurrency wallets that use an offline mode to secure digital assets. Additionally, you need to understand the fundamental ideas of wallets if you're a novice. If not, though, you shouldn't panic since you will eventually find out. We are therefore here to help you with the Trezor Bridge not working—a component of the Trezor Wallet—not working through this blog. Depending on the platform you're using, you can inquire about the name of the Trezor app or a particular app associated with Trezor. The typical procedures for locating an app's title across several devices.
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    Those who are using the Trezor Wallet extension have two options. One is to uninstall the extension and the other is to Trezor Bridge Download. Click on Open your favorite browser and type 'Download Treasure Bridge' in the search option. Now, click on the first link that appears in your search results and select the device you want to install. Then, press the 'Download Latest Bridge' button. Now the installation process will start automatically. Trezor Wallet is a hardware wallet that allows its users to go offline and store crypto assets. This wallet can also be managed online with the Trezor Suite application, which requires a secure Trezor login. In case of Trezor Login Issues, you can visit the Trezor Help option for Trezor login issues.
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